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Complete Pregnancy Bundle - Once off purchase Rent Bundle (186 videos) Complete Pregnancy Bundle - Once off purchase

You are purchasing our Complete Pregnancy Bundle as a one-off purchase. You will gain access to the entire Complete Pregnancy Bundle which includes:

  • 4 Week Beginner Prenatal Program

  • 1st Trimester Program

  • 2nd Trimester Program

  • 3rd Trimester Program

  • Preparing for Birth Program

Designed to guide you from conception to birth.

You will have access to the programs for 12 months from the date of purchase. This purchase does not include any subscriptions and you will not have access to classes outside of the program. If you would like access to all classes and programs instead, please choose from one of our subscription options.

Total (including taxes)
AUD $249.00  for 1 year rental
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