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Preparing For Birth Program -  Once off purchase Rent Bundle (20 videos) Preparing For Birth Program - Once off purchase

You are purchasing our Preparing For Birth Program as a one-off purchase. You will gain access to the entire Preparing For Birth Program. You will have access to the program and classes for 3 months from the date of purchase. This purchase does not include any subscriptions and you will not have access to classes outside of the program. If you would like access to all classes and programs instead, please choose from one of our subscription options.

This program is designed to prepare you and your body for birth to help you to feel empowered and confident as you head into the final weeks of pregnancy. The focus of your exercise needs to change a little as you near your due date. Moving away from pelvic floor ‘strengthening’ and instead prioritising ‘letting go’ and releasing these muscles is very important. This program will help to ensure you are not holding any unwanted tension around your pelvis that may affect your birth experience.

  • Begin any time from 34 weeks.

  • 4 Pilates classes per week + 1 mindfulness class.

  • Perfect for all fitness levels.

  • Each week offers a mixture of Pilates flow classes, lower body strengthening (important if you are planning a vaginal delivery to assist the pushing phase), spine mobility and pelvic release. This combination of classes plus Han’s guidance will help to get your body in the best physical shape possible for birth.

  • In addition to the physical classes, a meditation/mindfulness session is included each week to help you to connect to your body and prepare your mind for birth and beyond.

You can also purchase our Complete Pregnancy Bundle which is designed to guide you throughout your entire pregnancy and includes all programs: 4 Week Beginner Prenatal Program, 1st Trimester Program, 2nd Trimester Program, 3rd Trimester Program and Preparing for Birth Program for $249. 

Total (including taxes)
AUD $49.00  for 3 month rental
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